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Webinar - Tobacco Control Law Implementation: How Cambodia Successfully Implemented Its Smoke-Free Law
Author: Vital Strategies
Watch this webinar, featuring high-level members of Cambodia's government, to learn more about how the country successfully implemented its smoke-free law. Speakers share examples from their work to implement policies for tobacco smoke-free cities, along with the successes, challenges and lessons learned.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Policies in Pontianak, Indonesia
Author: Udayana University
This study aimed to assess compliance with Pontianak's smoke-free law, which prohibits smoking in all workplaces, public places, and public transportation. It also examined the presence of tobacco advertising across multiple venue types.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Policies in Palembang, Indonesia
Author: Udayana University
This study aimed to assess compliance with Palembang's smoke-free law, which prohibits smoking in all workplaces, public places, and public transportation. It also examined the presence of tobacco advertising across multiple venue types.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Policies in Makassar, Indonesia
Author: Udayana University
This study aimed to assess compliance with Makassar's smoke-free law, which prohibits smoking in all workplaces, public places, and public transportation. It also examined the presence of tobacco advertising across multiple venue types.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Policies in Kulon Progo, Indonesia
Author: Udayana University
This study aimed to assess compliance with Kulon Progo's smoke-free law, which prohibits smoking in all workplaces, public places, and public transportation. It also examined the presence of tobacco advertising across multiple venue types.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Policies in Klungkung, Indonesia
Author: Udayana University
This study aimed to assess compliance with Klungkung's smoke-free law, which prohibits smoking in all workplaces, public places, and public transportation. It also examined the presence of tobacco advertising across multiple venue types.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Policies in Depok, Indonesia
Author: Udayana University
This study aimed to assess compliance with Depok's smoke-free law, which prohibits smoking in all workplaces, public places, and public transportation. It also examined the presence of tobacco advertising across multiple venue types.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Policies in Denpasar, Indonesia
Author: Udayana University
This study aimed to assess compliance with Denpasar's smoke-free law, which prohibits smoking in all workplaces, public places, and public transportation. It also examined the presence of tobacco advertising across multiple venue types.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Policies in Bogor, Indonesia
Author: Udayana University
This study aimed to assess compliance with Bogor's smoke-free law, which prohibits smoking in all workplaces, public places, and public transportation. It also examined the presence of tobacco advertising across multiple venue types.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Policies in Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Author: Udayana University
This study aimed to assess compliance with Banda Aceh's smoke-free law, which prohibits smoking in all workplaces, public places, and public transportation. It also examined the presence of tobacco advertising across multiple venue types. Restricting Digital Marketing
Author: World Health Organization
This publication describes ways in which Member States can translate marketing restrictions in the context of tobacco and other products that create health risk, into the digital environment. It provides an overview of available policy options, best-practices for digital monitoring, and a guide to policy enforcement in the digital environment. Information about enforcement can be found in Section 8. Association Between Secondhand Smoke Exposure Among Women and the Implementation of Tobacco Control Measures on Campus
Author: Nian et al (2024)
Exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) among women is prevalent in China which increases their risk of developing a wide range of diseases and can affect their susceptibility to adverse reproductive health effects. This study aims to examine the association between SHS exposure among women and the adoption and implementation of tobacco control measures on campus in China.
Author: Vital Strategies
Watch this webinar in which city leaders share their experiences implementing smoke-free laws, bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS) at points of sale, and tobacco vendor licensing policies. Speakers share examples from their work to implement policies for tobacco smoke-free cities, along with the successes, challenges and lessons learned.
Author: The Union
Watch this webinar to hear cities share their experiences implementing smokefree laws, bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS) at points-of-sale and tobacco vendor licensing policies. Hear real world examples of building a tobacco-smokefree city, their successes, challenges and lessons learned. Ask the speakers questions to learn more and identify strategies to accelerate progress in improving compliance through your future implementation efforts.
Global Tobacco Control Progress Hub
Author: ASH Canada
The Global Tobacco Control Progress Hub is a fully interactive data visualization platform brings together multiple datasets for easy navigation, interpretation, and analysis, and can be used to assess global progress in tobacco control.
WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2023: protect people from tobacco smoke
Author: World Health Organization
The ninth WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic tracks the progress made by countries in tobacco control since 2008 and, marks 15 years since the introduction of the MPOWER technical package which is designed to help countries implement the demand-reduction measures of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
WEBINAR - Harnessing the power of data for effective implementation of tobacco control laws
Author: The Union
The Union partnered with a panel of experts to hear about their experiences collecting and using data to improve the implementation of tobacco control laws. Watch this webinar to learn about types of data that can support implementation, including tools and best practices in data collection and to hear about real-world examples of harnessing the power of data to improve policy implementation, common challenges and tips on how to overcome them.
Smokefree implementation in Colombia: Monitoring, outside funding, and business support
Author: Uang et al (2017)
Assessment of the national smokfree policy implementation in Colombia.
Author: Beijing Tobacco Control Association | 张建枢
2015年6月,《北京市控制吸烟条例》正式实施。次年,北京市控烟协会推出“VIP”控烟模式,即志愿者(Volunteer)+互联网(Internet )+新闻宣传(Press)模式。“VIP”控烟模式为北京市控烟协会摘得世界卫生组织授予的“西太平洋地区世界无烟日奖”,并被世界卫生组织推广到全球多个国家和城市。
Webinar - Enforcement Best Practices for Effective Implementation of Tobacco Control Laws
Author: The Union (2022)
The Union partnered with experts to highlight experiences using best practices for effective enforcement and implementation of tobacco control laws. View the webinar presentations to hear lessons learned from real-world case studies.
Case Study - São Paulo Breathes Better: Adoption of Smoke-Free Indoor Environments
Author: Pan American Health Organization (2010 & 2019)
This two part case study presents the initial implementation process of tobacco-free environments in São Paulo, Brazil after The São Paulo Anti Tobacco Law was passed in 2009, and it's continued implementation 10 years later. Documents available in Portuguese.
Tobacco Control Implementation and Enforcement Factsheet
Author: The Union (2022)
The Union’s Tobacco Control Department produced a new factsheet on Implementation and Enforcement and offers a deep dive into the topic, summarizing evidence, defining key terms, and providing practical guidance and evidence-based recommendations.
Webinar - Public monitoring and reporting violations
Author: The Union (2022)
The Union partnered with experts to highlight real world case studies on using innovative technology to support public monitoring of tobacco control laws. View the webinar presentations to learn about best practices and how these tools can improve implementation.
National Tobacco Control Strategies Toolkit
Author: UNDP
A toolkit to provide a roadmap for establishing multisectoral strategies, plans and programmes for tobacco control in line with WHO FCTC Article 5.1.
WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic 2021: addressing new and emerging products
Author: WHO (2021)
The eighth WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic tracks the progress made by countries in tobacco control since 2008 including data on electronic nicotine delivery systems, such as ‘e-cigarettes’.
Advanced country practices in the implementation of WHO FCTC Article 13 and its guidelines
Author: WHO (2018)
Advanced practices and lessons learned from Parties in the implementation of Article 13, with a focus on combatting cross-border advertising and the depiction of tobacco in entertainment media.
Decriminalizing Commercial Tobacco: Addressing Systemic Racism in the Enforcement of Commercial Tobacco Control
Author: US Public Health Consortium
A joint statement from a consortium of US public health organizations setting forth principles to help health departments, decisionmakers, advocates, and other stakeholders advance equitable enforcement practices related to the purchase, possession, sale, and distribution of all tobacco products.
SEATCA Smoke-Free Index
Author: SEATCA (2020)
A report detailing Implementation of Article 8 in the ASEAN region, 2020.
Reducing Tobacco Retail Density in San Francisco: A Case Study
Author: San Francisco Tobacco-Free Project
This case study describes the San Francisco Tobacco Retail Density Policy, examines the key strategies and lessons learned in developing a retail density policy, and explores the early impact of the policy in the first year of implementation.
Tobacco Control Enforcement Policy: Australia, 2022
Author: Australian Government
This policy outlines the principles used to guide the Australian Government's decisions and actions in enforcing tobacco advertising, packaging and product laws.
Webinar Tobacco Industry Tactics: Barriers to Effective Implementation and Enforcement
Author: The Union (2021)
The Union is partnered with experts to highlight real world case studies on how the tobacco industry undermines tobacco control policy implementation and enforcement, with a focus on the retail environment. View the webinar presentations and learn about the strategies adopted to limit the impact of these tactics on the implementation of tobacco control policies.
Global Health Advocacy Incubator
Author: Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
The Global Health Advocacy Incubator by Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids provides strategic support to advocates planning and executing high impact campaigns to enact and implement laws that save lives.
Global Tobacco Control: Learning from the Experts online course
Author: Johns Hopkins University
This course offers free instructional training to people interested in learning more about tobacco control.
Campaign Beacon - Tobacco Control Strategic Communications
Author: Vital Strategies
Campaign Beacon is an online resource from Vital Strategies of tested and proven, best practice media campaign materials designed to support tobacco control health objectives.
Global progress in tobacco control: the question of policy compliance
Author: Anderson et al. (2020)
This study aims to describe and compare global trends in legislation and compliance of smokefree and TAPS policies between 2009 and 2019.
WHO Compliance Data for smokefree and TAPS
Author: World Health Organization
Country-level compliance data that accompanies the WHO's annual report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic.
Evaluating the impact and equity of a tobacco-free pharmacy law on retailer density in New York City neighbourhoods
Author: Giovenco et al. (2018)
This study models the reduction in tobacco retailer density following the ban to examine differences in the policy’s impact across neighbourhoods.
License to Kill?: Tobacco Retailer Licensing as an Effective Enforcement Tool
Author: Ian McLaughlin, Tobacco Control Legal Consortium (2010)
This report looks at retailer licensing to support enforcement, and for controlling the location and concentration of tobacco retailers and imposing additional restrictions on the sale and promotion of tobacco products.
CounterTobacco.Org Resource Centre for Point-of-Sale
Author: Counter Tobacco
This site is dedicated to countering tobacco at the point-of-sale and offers evidence-based descriptions of the problem, policy solutions, advocacy materials and news updates.
WHO Tobacco product regulation: building laboratory testing capacity
Author: World Health Organization (2018)
The new tobacco laboratory guide is a useful resource for countries, and provides regulators and policymakers with comprehensible information on how to test tobacco products, what products to test, and how to use testing data in a meaningful way to support regulation.
WHO Tobacco Product Regulation: Basic Handbook
Author: World Health Organization (2018)
The “Tobacco product regulation: basic handbook” provides a basic reference document for non-scientist regulators in any country and serves as a tool for health authorities and other interested parties seeking resources and planning on how to monitor, evaluate, and regulate tobacco products. Further, the handbook includes relevant country case studies detailing specific approaches enacted globally.
Case Study: Regulatory approaches to tobacco products, menthol in tobacco products
Author: World Health Organization (2018)
This set of case study, focusing specifically on regulations of menthol in tobacco products, provide practical guidance to countries by describing effective regulatory strategies in tobacco product regulation, including lessons learned and challenges encountered in developing and implementing menthol related regulation.
WHO Key Elements of Tobacco Control Legislation
Author: World Health Organization
The World Health Organizations Tobacco Free Initiative (TFI) list of key elements of legislation for tobacco control.
Tobacco Control Laws
Author: Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
Search and download factsheets and summaries of tobacco control legislation and regulations from around the world. Search by country, region, keyword, tobacco control measure, or type of legal action.
Author: STOP
This report uses publicly available information on tobacco industry interference in 34 countries and their respective governments’ responses to these interferences to interpret key findings and rank the countries on several interference indicators.
Author: World Health Organization
This report, WHO’s seventh in the series, provides a country-level examination of the global tobacco epidemic and identifies countries that have applied selected measures for reducing tobacco use. This report focuses on supporting tobacco users to increase cessation success.
Tobacco Atlas 6th edition and Companion Website
Author: Drope et al.
The sixth edition of Tobacco atlas and its companion website provide comprehensive guidance on tobacco control issues and tools used to counter them. Use the Tobacco Atlas to explore key issues and solutions and the companion website to search for country specific information.
Stakeholder Mapping Tool
Author: World Health Organization
This online tool was developed by WHO to support stakeholder mapping in Family Planning but can be adapted for use in tobacco control.
Assessing Compliance with Health Warning Labels
Author: The Union
This Guide provides steps and sample materials to assess compliance with health warning labels,
Assessing Compliance with TAPS Bans
Author: Various
A “How-to” Guide for Observing the Internet, Sponsored Events, and Corporate Social Responsibility.
Countering Tobacco Tactics
Author: ASH Australia
"Countering Tobacco Tactics" is a guide to help policymakers and tobacco control advocates identify, monitor, expose, challenge, and counter tobacco industry tactics in order to prevent industry interference in public health and health policy.
Author: The Union
The Union’s FCTC Article 5.3 Toolkit provides step-by-step guidance for governments on preventing tobacco industry interference and protecting tobacco control laws and policies.
Assessing Compliance with Smokefree Laws 2nd Edition
Author: The Union
This guide promotes best practice for conducting studies of compliance with smoke-free laws, including the rationale for doing or not doing a study, the knowledge and resources needed, and how to design the study and effectively disseminate the results. Available in English and Spanish.
FDA Compliance and Enforcement Report
Author: Food and Drug Administration (US)
Report on the last five years of the FDA Center for Tobacco Products Office compliance and enforcement activities.
NYC food Establishment Self-Inspection Worksheet
Author: NYC Health
This self-inspection checklist for food establishments by the NYC Bureau of Food Safety and Community Sanitation provides a checklist (on page 2, part 2) that covers compliance with various regulations, including smokefree, product regulation, and POS.
ENFORCING Strong SMOKE-FREE Laws: The Advocate’s Guide to Enforcement Strategies
Author: American Cancer Society
This guide examines specific barriers to the enforcement of smoke-free laws and regulations and offers proven advocacy strategies for overcoming these barriers.
Examples of Information Materials for Businesses
Author: Various
Collection of example flyers and leaflets from tobacco control initiatives around the globe for different venues types, including restaurants, sports clubs, government buildings, tobacco retailers and more.
British Columbia 100% Smokefree: Successful Campaign Despite Industry Opposition
Author: Drope & Glantz (2003)
This article describes how the British Columbia Capital Regional District systematically organized an educational campaign, enacted and enforced a series of bylaws, exposed industry interference to successfully pass and implement a 100% smokefree bylaw in all public places.
Curbing the Epidemic: governments and the economics of tobacco control, 1999
Author: World Bank
This report analyzes how economic fear influences policymakers when contemplating tobacco control efforts. It also demonstrates the economic benefits of tobacco control policies and the responsibility of governments to reduce potential costs of tobacco control efforts.
Case Study: Effective Translation of the Framework Convention in Mexico
Author: Thrasher et al. (2008)
This case study describes the impact of the sociocultural and political-economic context of Mexico on WHO-FCTC policy uptake. It examines advancing tobacco control policy through strategic, contextually-specific communication efforts and uses smokefree policy to illustrate barriers to compliance in the Mexican context.
WHO FCTC Tobacco Control Glossary 2015 Edition
Author: World Health Organization
This WHO FCTC glossary defines terms used in the FCTC and its instruments. It can be used for educational purposes and to aid a better understanding of the FCTC.
WHO FCTC Global Progress Report, 2018
Author: World Health Organization
The 2018 global progress report on the implementation of WHO FCTC.
Evaluation of Smoking-related Deaths Averted Due to Three Years of Policy Progress, 2013
Author: Levy et al. (2013)
This study aims to determine the number of smoking-attributable deaths were averted due to the implementation of MPOWER policies.
Review of Compliance Strategies for Enforcing SF policy
Author: Wynne et al. (2018)
Comprehensive literature review to provide evidence for effective enforcement strategies and suggest measures to improve policy compliance.
Seven years of progress in tobacco control: an evaluation of the effect of nations meeting the highest level MPOWER measures between 2007 and 2014
Author: Levy et al. (2018)
This study aims to evaluated the global progress of the six MPOWER measures and their impact across 88 countries that have adopted one or more measure from 2007 to 2014.
Retailer licensing and tobacco display compliance, Australia
Author: Fry et al. (2016)
This study aims to assess vendor licensing compliance and scheme to explore variations in compliance among different retailer types and locations.
Perceived Enforcement of Smokefree in Brazil
Author: Mendes et al. (2017)
The aim of this study is to evaluate the perceived enforcement of anti-smoking legislation on 4 Brazilian cities.
Outcomes for Implementation Research: Conceptual Distinctions, Measurement Challenges, and Research Agenda
Author: Proctor et al. (2010)
This paper proposes a general working taxonomic of eight implementation elements to measure implementation outcomes, advance implementation processes, and improve effectiveness of implementation strategies.
Evaluation of the Impact of Smokefree Law, New Zealand
Author: New Zealand MoH
The aim of this evaluation is to identify outcomes related to the 2003 Smokefree Environments Amendment Act and assess how closely goals were met.
Global Evidence Review on the Implementation and Effectiveness of TC Measures
Author: The International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project
This report reviews the global evidence on the impact of the WHO FCTC implementation of tobacco control legislation.
Indicators to Measure Success of Smoke-free Policies
Author: Niskar et al. (2008)
This article assess indictors of smokefree policy implementation in the Unites States, New Zealand, and Israel to demonstrate successful compliance of smokefree policies.
Evidence on the Effect of POS Display Bans on Smoking Prevalence
Author: He et al. (2018)
This study evaluates the effect of point-of-sale display bans globally as of 2016.
Evaluation of Enforcement Barriers in Minnesota Youth, 2002
Author: The Tobacco Law Project
This report evaluates the enforcement practices, and barriers of the Commercial Youth Access Enforcement efforts in Minnesota, USA, providing recommendation for future enforcement efforts.
Compliance Evaluation of San Francisco's Flavoured Tobacco Sales Prohibition
Author: Vyas et al. (2021)
This research assesses compliance with San Francisco's 2018 flavored tobacco sales ban and concludes that retailer education prior to enforcement will result in higher compliance rates.
China Subnational Smokefree Law Predictors
Author: Lin et al. (2019)
This study analyzes the predictors of adopting subnational smokefree laws since China ratified the WHO FCTC in 2005 and assess their alignment with article 8.
CDC Indicators for Eliminating Exposure to Secondhand Smoke, 2017
Author: US CDC
This report is the third in the CDC's publications on Evaluating Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs and provides an evaluation logic model and set out outcome indicators that address eliminating exposure to secondhand smoke.
WHO: Making Cities Smokefree, 2011
Author: World Health Organization
This WHO publication offers practical guidance to assist staff and city officials prepare for and implement smokefree legislation.
Implementing smoke-free policies in low- and middle-income countries: A brief review and research agenda
Author: Byron et al. (2019)
A review and research agenda on the challenges of implementing smokefree policies in low- and middle-income countries, identifying five areas where progress is urgently needed.
WHO FCTC Implementation Guidelines
Author: World Health Organization
This publication contains the guidelines adopted by the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) at its second (2007), third (2008), fourth (2010) and fifth (2012) sessions.
Enforcement of Tobacco Control Law: A Guide to the Basics
Author: HealthBridge
This booklet provides an overview of key smokefree enforcement issues and sources of more information- because the authors live in Bangladesh this booklet draws heavily on examples from that country, but most of the issues are universal and approaches should easily be adaptable.
WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2013
Author: World Health Organization
This report, WHO’s fourth in the series, provides a country-level examination of the global tobacco epidemic and identifies countries that have applied selected measures for reducing tobacco use. This report focuses on Enforcing bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship.
Program Sustainability Framework and Assessment Tools
Author: Washington University Center for Public Health Systems Science
Set of tools for program sustainability including a self assessment guide and a program framework guide.
Index of Tobacco Control Sustainability
Author: The Union
A tool to measure the sustainability of national tobacco control programmes. Includes a report of tobacco control sustainability assessments from 24 countries with the world’s highest tobacco burden.
Smoke-free Air: Law Enforcement Lessons from the Field
Author: Global Smokefree Partnership
This toolkit from the Global Smoke-free Partnership draws on the experience of jurisdictions that have successfully implemented strong smoke-free laws, and captures some of the important lessons common to these efforts.
Examples of Smokefree Implementation Protocols
Author: Various
Examples of smokefree protocols to support the implementation of smokefree policies.
Evidence to guide action comprehensive tobacco control in Ontario 2016
Author: Public Health Ontario
An example of a research synthesis to inform tobacco control policy and strategy. This report from Ontario, Canada, provides a comprehensive assessment of the tobacco control interventions that would have the greatest impact on reducing tobacco use and its associated burden in Ontario.
WHO 2008 Tobacco Industry Interference with Tobacco Control
Author: World Health Organization
This document aims to provide background and contextual information on tobacco industry interference practices and how Contracting Parties to the WHO FCTC can monitor industry interference efforts and better implement FCTC Article 5.3 guidelines.
WHO FCTC Guide on How to Conduct Industry Monitoring
Author: World Health Organization
Tobacco industry interference remains the most significant barrier to the global implementation of Article 5.3 of the WHO FCTC. This guide aims to assist parties in their efforts to implement and protect tobacco control efforts from tobacco industry interference.
Vector of the Tobacco Epidemic Tobacco Industry Practices in LMICs
Author: Lee et al. (2012)
This article reviews published research on tobacco industry activities that interfere with tobacco control policies and encourage tobacco use in LMICs to more thoroughly understand industry practices and strategies in LMICs.
UCSF Truth Tobacco Industry Documents Database
Author: University of California San Francisco
The University of California San Francisco database contains over 14 million archived documents on tobacco industry activities, including advertising, manufacturing, marketing, scientific research, and political activities. In particular, the database provides access to internal industry documents made public during United States v. Philip Morris USA Inc., et al. and other litigation cases.
Tobacco Tactics: The essential source for rigorous research on the tobacco industry
Author: The University of Bath
Tobacco Tactics investigates tobacco industry strategies and tactics for undermining tobacco control efforts and provides rigorously researched reports, profiles, and information on industry players, allies, and activities.
Tobacco Industry Youth Smoking Prevention Programs: Protecting the Industry and Hurting Tobacco Control
Author: Landman et al. (2002)
This article analyzes tobacco industry documents to determine why industry-sponsored youth smoking prevention programs were developed, how they were used to fight tobacco control policy and programming, and their lack of effect on youth smoking prevalence.
The ‘‘We Card’’ Program: Tobacco Industry ‘‘Youth Smoking Prevention’’ as Industry Self-Preservation
Author: Apollonio et al. (2008)
This article analyzes the tobacco industry self-regulation "We Card" program. It exposes "We Card" as ineffective and structured to improve the industry's public image and limit tobacco control policies and their enforcement.
Stopping Tobacco Organizations and Products - A Global Tobacco Industry Watchdog
Author: STOP
Stopping Tobacco Organizations and Products (STOP) works to understand and expose the tobacco industry’s efforts to derail tobacco control and hook a new generation of users. STOP's Resources Archive arms and supports stakeholders with tools and resources to counter the industry, including the latest analyses, reports, and information on the industry’s tactics.
Policy Dystopia Model Interpretive Analysis of TI Political Activity
Author: Ulucaniar et al. (2016)
This article outlines a model that provides an evidence-based summary of corporate political strategies used by the tobacco industry. The model enables public health practitioners to anticipate these strategies and develop realistic assessments of the industry’s claims.
Observatory on Strategies of the Tobacco Industry in Brazil
Author: The Observatory
This website offers detailed information and data on the tactics used by the tobacco industry in Brazil, the legislative measures Brazil is adopting to meet FCTC and WHO directives, and the people and organizations involved with the tobacco industry that lobby against tobacco control measures in Brazil. The website is available in English, Portuguese, and Spanish.
Global Tobacco Industry Interference Index, 2019
Author: STOP
This report uses publicly available information on tobacco industry interference in 33 countries and their respective governments’ responses to these interferences to interpret key findings and rank the countries on several interference indicators.
Health is Non-Negotiable: Civil Society Against Tobacco Industry Strategies in Latin America
Author: FIC Argentina
This report compiles case studies with the aim of exposing the tobacco industry's strategies for blocking tobacco control efforts and disseminates information on the counter efforts of four civil society organizations in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico.
Exposing and Addressing Tobacco Industry Conduct in LMICs
Author: Gilmore et al. (2015)
This article explores the tobacco industry's practices in low and middle-income countries (LMICs), given the industry's growing interest, investment, and interference in these regions. It focuses on how exposing the industry's misconduct is necessary for both the implementation of the WHO FCTC and more 'endgame' solutions to the tobacco epidemic.
The Economic Impact of Clean Indoor Air Laws
Author: Eriksen & Chaloupka (2007)
This article reviews and analyses the diffusion of clean indoor air laws and the economic and public health impacts of their implementation. While research sponsored by the tobacco industry has raised concerns regarding the economic impact of smoke-free laws, scientific evidence indicates that clean indoor air laws are low-cost, safe, and effective.
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Industry Watch
Author: Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Industry Watch project seeks to hold the tobacco industry accountable by providing facts about how tobacco companies operate and working to expose and stop the industry’s harmful activities. The Industry Watch website contains helpful resources, including factsheets, industry profiles, reports and studies, presentations, press releases, and key websites.
STOP Crooked 9: Nine ways the Tobacco Industry Undermines Health Policy
Author: STOP
The Crooked Nine report outlines the tobacco industry's strategies, techniques, and tactics to undermine tobacco control using case studies from around the world. It is designed to help the tobacco control community predict the industry's actions and counter industry interference.
African Tobacco Control Alliance (ACTA) - Industry Watch
Author: ATCA
The African Tobacco Control Alliance (ATCA) is a Pan-African network of more than 120 civil society organizations that monitors and responds to industry interference and provides regional resources. This page provides case studies of African countries and organizations responding to tobacco industry interference.
Case Study: PMI Involvement in Smoking Cessation
Author: McDaniel et al. (2017)
This article is a case study ion Philip Morris' involvement in the cessation arena and an evaluation of how and why PM supports cessation programs. It illustrates a notable example of industry interference that undermines effective tobacco control.
Examples of Tobacco Control Strategic Plans
Author: Various
Examples of tobacco control strategic plans to provide guidance for creating comprehensive implementation and enforcement agendas, yearly plans and public health goal setting.
Examples of Smokefree Hospital Guides
Author: Various
This is a set of smokefree hospital strategic guides to equip those implementing smokefree policies with the tools for effective implementation and enforcement.