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Resources category: The Union

Compliance with Smoke-Free Laws in Karachi, Pakistan East and South districts: 2019 vs 2022

Authored by Johns Hopkins University (2022)

The project aimed to assess compliance with the "Prohibition of Smoking and Protection of Non-smokers Health Ordinance 2021” in East and South District of Karachi at two different time points: in 2019 and 2022, before and after the smoke-free enforcement activities.


Authored by The Union

Watch this webinar to hear cities share their experiences implementing smokefree laws, bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS) at points-of-sale and tobacco vendor licensing policies. Hear real world examples of building a tobacco-smokefree city, their successes, challenges and lessons learned. Ask the speakers questions to learn more and identify strategies to accelerate progress in improving compliance through your future implementation efforts.

WEBINAR - Harnessing the power of data for effective implementation of tobacco control laws

Authored by The Union

The Union partnered with a panel of experts to hear about their experiences collecting and using data to improve the implementation of tobacco control laws. Watch this webinar to learn about types of data that can support implementation, including tools and best practices in data collection and to hear about real-world examples of harnessing the power of data to improve policy implementation, common challenges and tips on how to overcome them.

Webinar - Public monitoring and reporting violations: engaging civil society through innovations in technology to improve compliance with tobacco control laws

Authored by The Union (2022)

The Union partnered with experts to highlight real world case studies on using innovative technology to support public monitoring of tobacco control laws. View the webinar presentations to learn about best practices and how these tools can improve implementation.  

Webinar Tobacco Industry Tactics: Barriers to Effective Implementation and Enforcement

Authored by The Union (2021)

The Union is partnered with experts to highlight real world case studies on how the tobacco industry undermines tobacco control policy implementation and enforcement, with a focus on the retail environment. View the webinar presentations and learn about the strategies adopted to limit the impact of these tactics on the implementation of tobacco control policies. 

Tobacco Unmasked

Authored by Centre for Combating Tobacco

Tobacco Unmasked is the information portal of the Centre for Combating Tobacco in Sri Lanka. It provides information and profiles on tobacco companies, their employees, their allies, and other institutions linked with them. The portal also describes industry strategies and arguments against tobacco control efforts.