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Resources category: Journals

Evaluation of compliance with smoke-free regulations in a multi-ethnic city in Western China: a mixed-methods study

Authored by Zhang et al (2025)

China has enacted subnational smoke-free legislations, which requires compliance evaluations to provide data for future implementation planning. This study comprehensively assessed smoke-free regulation compliance in Xining in Western China.

Association Between Secondhand Smoke Exposure Among Women and the Implementation of Tobacco Control Measures on Campus: A Cross-Sectional Study in 50 Universities Across China

Authored by Nian et al (2024)

Exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) among women is prevalent in China which increases their risk of developing a wide range of diseases and can affect their susceptibility to adverse reproductive health effects. This study aims to examine the association between SHS exposure among women and the adoption and implementation of tobacco control measures on campus in China.

Tobacco retailer density and tobacco retailers near schools in two cities of East India, Ranchi and Siliguri

Authored by Pouranik et al. (2021)

This study assesses the number and density of tobacco vendors in the cities of Ranchi (Jharkhand) and Siliguri (West Bengal), and the number of retailers selling tobacco near schools. Both of these jurisdictions have passed local tobacco vendor licensing laws.

Case Study: Effective Translation of the Framework Convention in Mexico

Authored by Thrasher et al. (2008)

This case study describes the impact of the sociocultural and political-economic context of Mexico on WHO-FCTC policy uptake. It examines advancing tobacco control policy through strategic, contextually-specific communication efforts and uses smokefree policy to illustrate barriers to compliance in the Mexican context.

Tobacco Industry Youth Smoking Prevention Programs: Protecting the Industry and Hurting Tobacco Control

Authored by Landman et al. (2002)

This article analyzes tobacco industry documents to determine why industry-sponsored youth smoking prevention programs were developed, how they were used to fight tobacco control policy and programming, and their lack of effect on youth smoking prevalence. 

Exposing and Addressing Tobacco Industry Conduct in LMICs

Authored by Gilmore et al. (2015)

This article explores the tobacco industry's practices in low and middle-income countries (LMICs), given the industry's growing interest, investment, and interference in these regions. It focuses on how exposing the industry's misconduct is necessary for both the implementation of the WHO FCTC and more 'endgame' solutions to the tobacco epidemic.