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Webinar - Tobacco Control Law Implementation: How Cambodia Successfully Implemented Its Smoke-Free Law
Author: Vital Strategies
Watch this webinar, featuring high-level members of Cambodia's government, to learn more about how the country successfully implemented its smoke-free law. Speakers share examples from their work to implement policies for tobacco smoke-free cities, along with the successes, challenges and lessons learned.
Author: Vital Strategies
Watch this webinar in which city leaders share their experiences implementing smoke-free laws, bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS) at points of sale, and tobacco vendor licensing policies. Speakers share examples from their work to implement policies for tobacco smoke-free cities, along with the successes, challenges and lessons learned.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Laws in Karachi, Pakistan South District: 2019 vs. 2022
Author: Johns Hopkins University (2022)
This assessment aimed to assess compliance of a ban on smoking in public spaces that requires the display of no-smoking signage in the South district of Karachi at two different time points: in 2019 and 2022, before and after the smoke-free enforcement activities.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Laws in Karachi, Pakistan East and South districts: 2019 vs 2022
Author: Johns Hopkins University (2022)
The project aimed to assess compliance with the "Prohibition of Smoking and Protection of Non-smokers Health Ordinance 2021” in East and South District of Karachi at two different time points: in 2019 and 2022, before and after the smoke-free enforcement activities.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Laws in Karachi, Pakistan East District: 2019 vs 2022
Author: Johns Hopkins University (2022)
This assessment aimed to assess compliance with smoke-free laws in the East district of Karachi at two different time points: in 2019 and 2022, before and after the smoke-free enforcement activities.
Author: The Union
Watch this webinar to hear cities share their experiences implementing smokefree laws, bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS) at points-of-sale and tobacco vendor licensing policies. Hear real world examples of building a tobacco-smokefree city, their successes, challenges and lessons learned. Ask the speakers questions to learn more and identify strategies to accelerate progress in improving compliance through your future implementation efforts.
WEBINAR - Harnessing the power of data for effective implementation of tobacco control laws
Author: The Union
The Union partnered with a panel of experts to hear about their experiences collecting and using data to improve the implementation of tobacco control laws. Watch this webinar to learn about types of data that can support implementation, including tools and best practices in data collection and to hear about real-world examples of harnessing the power of data to improve policy implementation, common challenges and tips on how to overcome them.
Webinar - Enforcement Best Practices for Effective Implementation of Tobacco Control Laws
Author: The Union (2022)
The Union partnered with experts to highlight experiences using best practices for effective enforcement and implementation of tobacco control laws. View the webinar presentations to hear lessons learned from real-world case studies.
Tobacco Control Implementation and Enforcement Factsheet
Author: The Union (2022)
The Union’s Tobacco Control Department produced a new factsheet on Implementation and Enforcement and offers a deep dive into the topic, summarizing evidence, defining key terms, and providing practical guidance and evidence-based recommendations.
Webinar - Public monitoring and reporting violations
Author: The Union (2022)
The Union partnered with experts to highlight real world case studies on using innovative technology to support public monitoring of tobacco control laws. View the webinar presentations to learn about best practices and how these tools can improve implementation.
Examples of Smokefree Tobacco Control Campaigns in Vietnam
Author: Vital Strategies
Three examples of education campaigns in Vietnam focusing on the health harms of smoking around others in public places and restaurants, smoking tobacco in the workplace, and the penalties applicable for people who smoke on public transport.
Examples of Tobacco Control Law Educational Ads in Bangladesh
Author: Vital Strategies
Two examples of educational campaign ads that ran in Bangladesh to inform the public of existing laws prohibiting smoking in public places, tobacco advertisements, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS) and sale of tobacco to and by minors.
Evaluation of Tobacco Free Film and Television Policy in India
Author: Vital Strategies
This study was conducted to gauge the extent of implementation of the tobacco free film rule in India, to identify patterns in compliance and violations, and to identify opportunities for strengthening the rule.
Compliance with smoke-free policies at indoor and outdoor public places: an observational study in Pakistan
Author: Ahsan et al. (2022)
Study investigating smoke-free compliance across public places in Karachi, the most populous city in Pakistan.
Webinar Tobacco Industry Tactics: Barriers to Effective Implementation and Enforcement
Author: The Union (2021)
The Union is partnered with experts to highlight real world case studies on how the tobacco industry undermines tobacco control policy implementation and enforcement, with a focus on the retail environment. View the webinar presentations and learn about the strategies adopted to limit the impact of these tactics on the implementation of tobacco control policies.
Dhuann Smokefree Ad Campaign
Author: Vital Strategies
Smokefree ad from India depicting the dangers of secondhand smoke and sharing information on the smoking ban in public places. Adaptions from Turkey and Bangladesh and the press release materials from each ad.
Campaign Beacon - Tobacco Control Strategic Communications
Author: Vital Strategies
Campaign Beacon is an online resource from Vital Strategies of tested and proven, best practice media campaign materials designed to support tobacco control health objectives.
Tobacco Atlas 6th edition and Companion Website
Author: Drope et al.
The sixth edition of Tobacco atlas and its companion website provide comprehensive guidance on tobacco control issues and tools used to counter them. Use the Tobacco Atlas to explore key issues and solutions and the companion website to search for country specific information.
Assessment Report on Implementation of West Pakistan Tobacco Vend Act in the Urban Areas of Islamabad
Author: Association for Better Pakistan (2019)
This report assesses the model and achievements of the implementation of The West Pakistan Tobacco Vend Act-1958 since 2015.
Assessing Compliance with Health Warning Labels
Author: The Union
This Guide provides steps and sample materials to assess compliance with health warning labels,
Assessing Compliance with TAPS Bans
Author: Various
A “How-to” Guide for Observing the Internet, Sponsored Events, and Corporate Social Responsibility.
Author: The Union
The Union’s FCTC Article 5.3 Toolkit provides step-by-step guidance for governments on preventing tobacco industry interference and protecting tobacco control laws and policies.
Assessing Compliance with Smokefree Laws 2nd Edition
Author: The Union
This guide promotes best practice for conducting studies of compliance with smoke-free laws, including the rationale for doing or not doing a study, the knowledge and resources needed, and how to design the study and effectively disseminate the results. Available in English and Spanish.
Compliance Surveys: Smokefree compliance tools in India
Author: Lal et al. (2011)
This article demonstrates how smokefree compliance can be assessed through simple and cost-effective survey tools and can be used to validate implementation and enforcement progress.
CDC Indicators for Eliminating Exposure to Secondhand Smoke, 2017
Author: US CDC
This report is the third in the CDC's publications on Evaluating Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs and provides an evaluation logic model and set out outcome indicators that address eliminating exposure to secondhand smoke.
Index of Tobacco Control Sustainability
Author: The Union
A tool to measure the sustainability of national tobacco control programmes. Includes a report of tobacco control sustainability assessments from 24 countries with the world’s highest tobacco burden.
Tobacco Unmasked
Author: Centre for Combating Tobacco
Tobacco Unmasked is the information portal of the Centre for Combating Tobacco in Sri Lanka. It provides information and profiles on tobacco companies, their employees, their allies, and other institutions linked with them. The portal also describes industry strategies and arguments against tobacco control efforts.
STOP Crooked 9: Nine ways the Tobacco Industry Undermines Health Policy
Author: STOP
The Crooked Nine report outlines the tobacco industry's strategies, techniques, and tactics to undermine tobacco control using case studies from around the world. It is designed to help the tobacco control community predict the industry's actions and counter industry interference.