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Restricting Digital Marketing
Author: World Health Organization
This publication describes ways in which Member States can translate marketing restrictions in the context of tobacco and other products that create health risk, into the digital environment. It provides an overview of available policy options, best-practices for digital monitoring, and a guide to policy enforcement in the digital environment. Information about enforcement can be found in Section 8. WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2023: protect people from tobacco smoke
Author: World Health Organization
The ninth WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic tracks the progress made by countries in tobacco control since 2008 and, marks 15 years since the introduction of the MPOWER technical package which is designed to help countries implement the demand-reduction measures of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
Case Study - São Paulo Breathes Better: Adoption of Smoke-Free Indoor Environments
Author: Pan American Health Organization (2010 & 2019)
This two part case study presents the initial implementation process of tobacco-free environments in São Paulo, Brazil after The São Paulo Anti Tobacco Law was passed in 2009, and it's continued implementation 10 years later. Documents available in Portuguese.
Examples of Smokefree Tobacco Control Campaigns in Vietnam
Author: Vital Strategies
Three examples of education campaigns in Vietnam focusing on the health harms of smoking around others in public places and restaurants, smoking tobacco in the workplace, and the penalties applicable for people who smoke on public transport.
Examples of Tobacco Control Law Educational Ads in Bangladesh
Author: Vital Strategies
Two examples of educational campaign ads that ran in Bangladesh to inform the public of existing laws prohibiting smoking in public places, tobacco advertisements, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS) and sale of tobacco to and by minors.
WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic 2021: addressing new and emerging products
Author: WHO (2021)
The eighth WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic tracks the progress made by countries in tobacco control since 2008 including data on electronic nicotine delivery systems, such as ‘e-cigarettes’.
Best practices on implementation of the tobacco advertising and display ban at point of sale (Article 13 of the WHO FCTC): a four-country case study
Author: WHO (2015)
This report reviews the relevant legislation related to the POS advertising and display bans and examines experience with enforcement and monitoring in four countries: Ireland, Norway, Finland and the UK.
Advanced country practices in the implementation of WHO FCTC Article 13 and its guidelines
Author: WHO (2018)
Advanced practices and lessons learned from Parties in the implementation of Article 13, with a focus on combatting cross-border advertising and the depiction of tobacco in entertainment media.
SEATCA Smoke-Free Index
Author: SEATCA (2020)
A report detailing Implementation of Article 8 in the ASEAN region, 2020.
Measures to Control the Tobacco Supply Chain
Author: SEATCA (2019)
A review of fiscal markings, track-and-trace mechanisms, and licensing systems in the ASEAN region.
Tobacco Control Enforcement Policy: Australia, 2022
Author: Australian Government
This policy outlines the principles used to guide the Australian Government's decisions and actions in enforcing tobacco advertising, packaging and product laws.
Dhuann Smokefree Ad Campaign
Author: Vital Strategies
Smokefree ad from India depicting the dangers of secondhand smoke and sharing information on the smoking ban in public places. Adaptions from Turkey and Bangladesh and the press release materials from each ad.
Global Health Advocacy Incubator
Author: Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
The Global Health Advocacy Incubator by Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids provides strategic support to advocates planning and executing high impact campaigns to enact and implement laws that save lives.
Campaign Beacon - Tobacco Control Strategic Communications
Author: Vital Strategies
Campaign Beacon is an online resource from Vital Strategies of tested and proven, best practice media campaign materials designed to support tobacco control health objectives.
CounterTobacco.Org Resource Centre for Point-of-Sale
Author: Counter Tobacco
This site is dedicated to countering tobacco at the point-of-sale and offers evidence-based descriptions of the problem, policy solutions, advocacy materials and news updates.
Measures to Control the Tobacco Supply Chain
Author: SEATCA (2019)
A review of fiscal markings, track-and-trace mechanisms, and licensing systems in the ASEAN region.
WHO Key Elements of Tobacco Control Legislation
Author: World Health Organization
The World Health Organizations Tobacco Free Initiative (TFI) list of key elements of legislation for tobacco control.
Author: STOP
This report uses publicly available information on tobacco industry interference in 34 countries and their respective governments’ responses to these interferences to interpret key findings and rank the countries on several interference indicators.
Author: World Health Organization
This report, WHO’s seventh in the series, provides a country-level examination of the global tobacco epidemic and identifies countries that have applied selected measures for reducing tobacco use. This report focuses on supporting tobacco users to increase cessation success.
Smoke-Free Baguio Resources and Reporting Site
Author: Baguio Health Service Office
City of Baguio, Philippines, smokefree website shares good practices from the city, provides a platform for reporting smokefree policy violations and contains a database of protocols and forms for enforcement actions.
FDA Compliance and Enforcement Report
Author: Food and Drug Administration (US)
Report on the last five years of the FDA Center for Tobacco Products Office compliance and enforcement activities.
NYC food Establishment Self-Inspection Worksheet
Author: NYC Health
This self-inspection checklist for food establishments by the NYC Bureau of Food Safety and Community Sanitation provides a checklist (on page 2, part 2) that covers compliance with various regulations, including smokefree, product regulation, and POS.
ENFORCING Strong SMOKE-FREE Laws: The Advocate’s Guide to Enforcement Strategies
Author: American Cancer Society
This guide examines specific barriers to the enforcement of smoke-free laws and regulations and offers proven advocacy strategies for overcoming these barriers.
Examples of Information Materials for Businesses
Author: Various
Collection of example flyers and leaflets from tobacco control initiatives around the globe for different venues types, including restaurants, sports clubs, government buildings, tobacco retailers and more.
Curbing the Epidemic: governments and the economics of tobacco control, 1999
Author: World Bank
This report analyzes how economic fear influences policymakers when contemplating tobacco control efforts. It also demonstrates the economic benefits of tobacco control policies and the responsibility of governments to reduce potential costs of tobacco control efforts.
WHO FCTC Global Progress Report, 2018
Author: World Health Organization
The 2018 global progress report on the implementation of WHO FCTC.
Perceived Enforcement of Smokefree in Brazil
Author: Mendes et al. (2017)
The aim of this study is to evaluate the perceived enforcement of anti-smoking legislation on 4 Brazilian cities.
Outcomes for Implementation Research: Conceptual Distinctions, Measurement Challenges, and Research Agenda
Author: Proctor et al. (2010)
This paper proposes a general working taxonomic of eight implementation elements to measure implementation outcomes, advance implementation processes, and improve effectiveness of implementation strategies.
Evaluation of the Impact of Smokefree Law, New Zealand
Author: New Zealand MoH
The aim of this evaluation is to identify outcomes related to the 2003 Smokefree Environments Amendment Act and assess how closely goals were met.
Global Evidence Review on the Implementation and Effectiveness of TC Measures
Author: The International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project
This report reviews the global evidence on the impact of the WHO FCTC implementation of tobacco control legislation.
Evaluation of Enforcement Barriers in Minnesota Youth, 2002
Author: The Tobacco Law Project
This report evaluates the enforcement practices, and barriers of the Commercial Youth Access Enforcement efforts in Minnesota, USA, providing recommendation for future enforcement efforts.
Compliance Surveys: Smokefree compliance tools in India
Author: Lal et al. (2011)
This article demonstrates how smokefree compliance can be assessed through simple and cost-effective survey tools and can be used to validate implementation and enforcement progress.
China Subnational Smokefree Law Predictors
Author: Lin et al. (2019)
This study analyzes the predictors of adopting subnational smokefree laws since China ratified the WHO FCTC in 2005 and assess their alignment with article 8.
CDC Indicators for Eliminating Exposure to Secondhand Smoke, 2017
Author: US CDC
This report is the third in the CDC's publications on Evaluating Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs and provides an evaluation logic model and set out outcome indicators that address eliminating exposure to secondhand smoke.
Tobacco Control Delivery Plan: England 2017-2022
Author: Department of Health and Social Care, UK Government
An example of a national delivery and monitoring plan. Published in conjunction with the Tobacco Control Plan for England, it identifies lead agencies, milestones and metrics to measure success.
WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2013
Author: World Health Organization
This report, WHO’s fourth in the series, provides a country-level examination of the global tobacco epidemic and identifies countries that have applied selected measures for reducing tobacco use. This report focuses on Enforcing bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship.
Evidence to guide action comprehensive tobacco control in Ontario 2016
Author: Public Health Ontario
An example of a research synthesis to inform tobacco control policy and strategy. This report from Ontario, Canada, provides a comprehensive assessment of the tobacco control interventions that would have the greatest impact on reducing tobacco use and its associated burden in Ontario.
UCSF Truth Tobacco Industry Documents Database
Author: University of California San Francisco
The University of California San Francisco database contains over 14 million archived documents on tobacco industry activities, including advertising, manufacturing, marketing, scientific research, and political activities. In particular, the database provides access to internal industry documents made public during United States v. Philip Morris USA Inc., et al. and other litigation cases.
Tobacco Control Industry Watch - Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance
Author: SEATCA
Tobacco Control Industry Watch provides facts and figures, publications, and media updates for the South East Asian Tobacco Control Alliance (SEATCA). With a focus on Articles 5.3 and 13, guidelines, toolkits, and in-country statuses are also available to further the effective implementation of the WHO FCTC in ASEAN countries.
Tobacco Unmasked
Author: Centre for Combating Tobacco
Tobacco Unmasked is the information portal of the Centre for Combating Tobacco in Sri Lanka. It provides information and profiles on tobacco companies, their employees, their allies, and other institutions linked with them. The portal also describes industry strategies and arguments against tobacco control efforts.
Tobacco Tactics: The essential source for rigorous research on the tobacco industry
Author: The University of Bath
Tobacco Tactics investigates tobacco industry strategies and tactics for undermining tobacco control efforts and provides rigorously researched reports, profiles, and information on industry players, allies, and activities.
Stopping Tobacco Organizations and Products - A Global Tobacco Industry Watchdog
Author: STOP
Stopping Tobacco Organizations and Products (STOP) works to understand and expose the tobacco industry’s efforts to derail tobacco control and hook a new generation of users. STOP's Resources Archive arms and supports stakeholders with tools and resources to counter the industry, including the latest analyses, reports, and information on the industry’s tactics.
Observatory on Strategies of the Tobacco Industry in Brazil
Author: The Observatory
This website offers detailed information and data on the tactics used by the tobacco industry in Brazil, the legislative measures Brazil is adopting to meet FCTC and WHO directives, and the people and organizations involved with the tobacco industry that lobby against tobacco control measures in Brazil. The website is available in English, Portuguese, and Spanish.
Global Tobacco Industry Interference Index, 2019
Author: STOP
This report uses publicly available information on tobacco industry interference in 33 countries and their respective governments’ responses to these interferences to interpret key findings and rank the countries on several interference indicators.
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Industry Watch
Author: Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Industry Watch project seeks to hold the tobacco industry accountable by providing facts about how tobacco companies operate and working to expose and stop the industry’s harmful activities. The Industry Watch website contains helpful resources, including factsheets, industry profiles, reports and studies, presentations, press releases, and key websites.
STOP Crooked 9: Nine ways the Tobacco Industry Undermines Health Policy
Author: STOP
The Crooked Nine report outlines the tobacco industry's strategies, techniques, and tactics to undermine tobacco control using case studies from around the world. It is designed to help the tobacco control community predict the industry's actions and counter industry interference.
African Tobacco Industry Monitoring
Author: The Africa Centre For Tobacco Industry Monitoring
The Africa Centre For Tobacco Industry Monitoring And Policy Research (ATIM) is an observatory that offers up-to-date information on activities and developments in the tobacco industry that could have an impact on tobacco control policies. ATIM provides industry monitoring across Africa, as recommended by the Guidelines for implementation of Article 5.3 of the WHO FCTC, evaluates the impact of tobacco control policy, and informs stakeholders within the tobacco control community of ongoing developments.
Examples of Tobacco Control Strategic Plans
Author: Various
Examples of tobacco control strategic plans to provide guidance for creating comprehensive implementation and enforcement agendas, yearly plans and public health goal setting.
Examples of Smokefree Hospital Guides
Author: Various
This is a set of smokefree hospital strategic guides to equip those implementing smokefree policies with the tools for effective implementation and enforcement.