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Webinar - Tobacco Control Law Implementation: How Cambodia Successfully Implemented Its Smoke-Free Law
Author: Vital Strategies
Watch this webinar, featuring high-level members of Cambodia's government, to learn more about how the country successfully implemented its smoke-free law. Speakers share examples from their work to implement policies for tobacco smoke-free cities, along with the successes, challenges and lessons learned.
Author: Vital Strategies
Watch this webinar in which city leaders share their experiences implementing smoke-free laws, bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS) at points of sale, and tobacco vendor licensing policies. Speakers share examples from their work to implement policies for tobacco smoke-free cities, along with the successes, challenges and lessons learned.
WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2023: protect people from tobacco smoke
Author: World Health Organization
The ninth WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic tracks the progress made by countries in tobacco control since 2008 and, marks 15 years since the introduction of the MPOWER technical package which is designed to help countries implement the demand-reduction measures of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
Examples of Smokefree Tobacco Control Campaigns in Vietnam
Author: Vital Strategies
Three examples of education campaigns in Vietnam focusing on the health harms of smoking around others in public places and restaurants, smoking tobacco in the workplace, and the penalties applicable for people who smoke on public transport.
Examples of Tobacco Control Law Educational Ads in Bangladesh
Author: Vital Strategies
Two examples of educational campaign ads that ran in Bangladesh to inform the public of existing laws prohibiting smoking in public places, tobacco advertisements, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS) and sale of tobacco to and by minors.
Dhuann Smokefree Ad Campaign
Author: Vital Strategies
Smokefree ad from India depicting the dangers of secondhand smoke and sharing information on the smoking ban in public places. Adaptions from Turkey and Bangladesh and the press release materials from each ad.
Campaign Beacon - Tobacco Control Strategic Communications
Author: Vital Strategies
Campaign Beacon is an online resource from Vital Strategies of tested and proven, best practice media campaign materials designed to support tobacco control health objectives.
WHO Compliance Data for smokefree and TAPS
Author: World Health Organization
Country-level compliance data that accompanies the WHO's annual report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic.
Tobacco Atlas 6th edition and Companion Website
Author: Drope et al.
The sixth edition of Tobacco atlas and its companion website provide comprehensive guidance on tobacco control issues and tools used to counter them. Use the Tobacco Atlas to explore key issues and solutions and the companion website to search for country specific information.
Stakeholder Mapping Tool
Author: World Health Organization
This online tool was developed by WHO to support stakeholder mapping in Family Planning but can be adapted for use in tobacco control.
Evaluation of Smoking-related Deaths Averted Due to Three Years of Policy Progress, 2013
Author: Levy et al. (2013)
This study aims to determine the number of smoking-attributable deaths were averted due to the implementation of MPOWER policies.
WHO: Making Cities Smokefree, 2011
Author: World Health Organization
This WHO publication offers practical guidance to assist staff and city officials prepare for and implement smokefree legislation.
Enforcement of and compliance with tobacco control legislation: A guide for the AFRO region
Author: World Health Organization
This guide from the WHO Regional Office for Africa provides useful tools for all those involved in promoting enforcement of, and compliance with, tobacco control legislation.
Examples of Smokefree Implementation Protocols
Author: Various
Examples of smokefree protocols to support the implementation of smokefree policies.