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Webinar - Tobacco Control Law Implementation: How Cambodia Successfully Implemented Its Smoke-Free Law
Author: Vital Strategies
Watch this webinar, featuring high-level members of Cambodia's government, to learn more about how the country successfully implemented its smoke-free law. Speakers share examples from their work to implement policies for tobacco smoke-free cities, along with the successes, challenges and lessons learned.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Policies in Pontianak, Indonesia
Author: Udayana University
This study aimed to assess compliance with Pontianak's smoke-free law, which prohibits smoking in all workplaces, public places, and public transportation. It also examined the presence of tobacco advertising across multiple venue types.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Policies in Palembang, Indonesia
Author: Udayana University
This study aimed to assess compliance with Palembang's smoke-free law, which prohibits smoking in all workplaces, public places, and public transportation. It also examined the presence of tobacco advertising across multiple venue types.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Policies in Makassar, Indonesia
Author: Udayana University
This study aimed to assess compliance with Makassar's smoke-free law, which prohibits smoking in all workplaces, public places, and public transportation. It also examined the presence of tobacco advertising across multiple venue types.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Policies in Kulon Progo, Indonesia
Author: Udayana University
This study aimed to assess compliance with Kulon Progo's smoke-free law, which prohibits smoking in all workplaces, public places, and public transportation. It also examined the presence of tobacco advertising across multiple venue types.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Policies in Klungkung, Indonesia
Author: Udayana University
This study aimed to assess compliance with Klungkung's smoke-free law, which prohibits smoking in all workplaces, public places, and public transportation. It also examined the presence of tobacco advertising across multiple venue types.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Policies in Depok, Indonesia
Author: Udayana University
This study aimed to assess compliance with Depok's smoke-free law, which prohibits smoking in all workplaces, public places, and public transportation. It also examined the presence of tobacco advertising across multiple venue types.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Policies in Denpasar, Indonesia
Author: Udayana University
This study aimed to assess compliance with Denpasar's smoke-free law, which prohibits smoking in all workplaces, public places, and public transportation. It also examined the presence of tobacco advertising across multiple venue types.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Policies in Bogor, Indonesia
Author: Udayana University
This study aimed to assess compliance with Bogor's smoke-free law, which prohibits smoking in all workplaces, public places, and public transportation. It also examined the presence of tobacco advertising across multiple venue types.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Policies in Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Author: Udayana University
This study aimed to assess compliance with Banda Aceh's smoke-free law, which prohibits smoking in all workplaces, public places, and public transportation. It also examined the presence of tobacco advertising across multiple venue types. Association Between Secondhand Smoke Exposure Among Women and the Implementation of Tobacco Control Measures on Campus
Author: Nian et al (2024)
Exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) among women is prevalent in China which increases their risk of developing a wide range of diseases and can affect their susceptibility to adverse reproductive health effects. This study aims to examine the association between SHS exposure among women and the adoption and implementation of tobacco control measures on campus in China.
Author: Vital Strategies
Watch this webinar in which city leaders share their experiences implementing smoke-free laws, bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS) at points of sale, and tobacco vendor licensing policies. Speakers share examples from their work to implement policies for tobacco smoke-free cities, along with the successes, challenges and lessons learned.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Laws in Karachi, Pakistan South District: 2019 vs. 2022
Author: Johns Hopkins University (2022)
This assessment aimed to assess compliance of a ban on smoking in public spaces that requires the display of no-smoking signage in the South district of Karachi at two different time points: in 2019 and 2022, before and after the smoke-free enforcement activities.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Laws in Karachi, Pakistan East and South districts: 2019 vs 2022
Author: Johns Hopkins University (2022)
The project aimed to assess compliance with the "Prohibition of Smoking and Protection of Non-smokers Health Ordinance 2021” in East and South District of Karachi at two different time points: in 2019 and 2022, before and after the smoke-free enforcement activities.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Laws in Karachi, Pakistan East District: 2019 vs 2022
Author: Johns Hopkins University (2022)
This assessment aimed to assess compliance with smoke-free laws in the East district of Karachi at two different time points: in 2019 and 2022, before and after the smoke-free enforcement activities.
Author: The Union
Watch this webinar to hear cities share their experiences implementing smokefree laws, bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS) at points-of-sale and tobacco vendor licensing policies. Hear real world examples of building a tobacco-smokefree city, their successes, challenges and lessons learned. Ask the speakers questions to learn more and identify strategies to accelerate progress in improving compliance through your future implementation efforts.
WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2023: protect people from tobacco smoke
Author: World Health Organization
The ninth WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic tracks the progress made by countries in tobacco control since 2008 and, marks 15 years since the introduction of the MPOWER technical package which is designed to help countries implement the demand-reduction measures of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
WEBINAR - Harnessing the power of data for effective implementation of tobacco control laws
Author: The Union
The Union partnered with a panel of experts to hear about their experiences collecting and using data to improve the implementation of tobacco control laws. Watch this webinar to learn about types of data that can support implementation, including tools and best practices in data collection and to hear about real-world examples of harnessing the power of data to improve policy implementation, common challenges and tips on how to overcome them.
Smokefree implementation in Colombia: Monitoring, outside funding, and business support
Author: Uang et al (2017)
Assessment of the national smokfree policy implementation in Colombia.
SEATCA Smoke-Free Index
Author: SEATCA (2020)
A report detailing Implementation of Article 8 in the ASEAN region, 2020.
Compliance with smoke-free policies at indoor and outdoor public places: an observational study in Pakistan
Author: Ahsan et al. (2022)
Study investigating smoke-free compliance across public places in Karachi, the most populous city in Pakistan.
Global Tobacco Control: Learning from the Experts online course
Author: Johns Hopkins University
This course offers free instructional training to people interested in learning more about tobacco control.
Global progress in tobacco control: the question of policy compliance
Author: Anderson et al. (2020)
This study aims to describe and compare global trends in legislation and compliance of smokefree and TAPS policies between 2009 and 2019.
WHO Compliance Data for smokefree and TAPS
Author: World Health Organization
Country-level compliance data that accompanies the WHO's annual report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic.
Compliance with Smoke-free Public Service Vehicles, East and South Districts of Karachi, Pakistan, 2019
Author: Johns Hopkins University
The objective of this study was to assess smoke-free compliance in public service vehicles in Karachi.
Compliance with Smoke-free Public Places, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2019
Author: Johns Hopkins University
This study from Yogyakarta City, Indonesia, assessed compliance with smokefree in different settings from February to March 2019.
Compliance with Smoke-free Public Places, Depok, Indonesia, 2019
Author: Johns Hopkins University
This study from Depok City, Indonesia, assessed compliance with smokefree in different settings from February to March 2019.
Assessing Compliance with Smokefree Laws 2nd Edition
Author: The Union
This guide promotes best practice for conducting studies of compliance with smoke-free laws, including the rationale for doing or not doing a study, the knowledge and resources needed, and how to design the study and effectively disseminate the results. Available in English and Spanish.
WHO FCTC Global Progress Report, 2018
Author: World Health Organization
The 2018 global progress report on the implementation of WHO FCTC.
Assessment of EU Member State National Characteristics and Their Association with Smoking Prevalence
Author: Bogdanovica et al. (2011)
This study aims to assess public sector corruption and other national characteristics and it's potential association with higher smoking prevalence in EU member states.
Evaluation of Smoking-related Deaths Averted Due to Three Years of Policy Progress, 2013
Author: Levy et al. (2013)
This study aims to determine the number of smoking-attributable deaths were averted due to the implementation of MPOWER policies.
Review of Compliance Strategies for Enforcing SF policy
Author: Wynne et al. (2018)
Comprehensive literature review to provide evidence for effective enforcement strategies and suggest measures to improve policy compliance.
Seven years of progress in tobacco control: an evaluation of the effect of nations meeting the highest level MPOWER measures between 2007 and 2014
Author: Levy et al. (2018)
This study aims to evaluated the global progress of the six MPOWER measures and their impact across 88 countries that have adopted one or more measure from 2007 to 2014.
Perceived Enforcement of Smokefree in Brazil
Author: Mendes et al. (2017)
The aim of this study is to evaluate the perceived enforcement of anti-smoking legislation on 4 Brazilian cities.
Outcomes for Implementation Research: Conceptual Distinctions, Measurement Challenges, and Research Agenda
Author: Proctor et al. (2010)
This paper proposes a general working taxonomic of eight implementation elements to measure implementation outcomes, advance implementation processes, and improve effectiveness of implementation strategies.
Evaluation of the Impact of Smokefree Law, New Zealand
Author: New Zealand MoH
The aim of this evaluation is to identify outcomes related to the 2003 Smokefree Environments Amendment Act and assess how closely goals were met.
Global Evidence Review on the Implementation and Effectiveness of TC Measures
Author: The International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project
This report reviews the global evidence on the impact of the WHO FCTC implementation of tobacco control legislation.
Indicators to Measure Success of Smoke-free Policies
Author: Niskar et al. (2008)
This article assess indictors of smokefree policy implementation in the Unites States, New Zealand, and Israel to demonstrate successful compliance of smokefree policies.
Evaluation of Compliance to Gutka Ban & Other Provisions of COTPA India
Author: Pimple et al. (2014)
This article uses a random sampling process to evaluate compliance with the COPTA legislation in India.
Compliance Surveys: Smokefree compliance tools in India
Author: Lal et al. (2011)
This article demonstrates how smokefree compliance can be assessed through simple and cost-effective survey tools and can be used to validate implementation and enforcement progress.
China Subnational Smokefree Law Predictors
Author: Lin et al. (2019)
This study analyzes the predictors of adopting subnational smokefree laws since China ratified the WHO FCTC in 2005 and assess their alignment with article 8.
CDC Indicators for Eliminating Exposure to Secondhand Smoke, 2017
Author: US CDC
This report is the third in the CDC's publications on Evaluating Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs and provides an evaluation logic model and set out outcome indicators that address eliminating exposure to secondhand smoke.
WHO: Making Cities Smokefree, 2011
Author: World Health Organization
This WHO publication offers practical guidance to assist staff and city officials prepare for and implement smokefree legislation.
Tobacco Control Delivery Plan: England 2017-2022
Author: Department of Health and Social Care, UK Government
An example of a national delivery and monitoring plan. Published in conjunction with the Tobacco Control Plan for England, it identifies lead agencies, milestones and metrics to measure success.
The Economic Impact of Clean Indoor Air Laws
Author: Eriksen & Chaloupka (2007)
This article reviews and analyses the diffusion of clean indoor air laws and the economic and public health impacts of their implementation. While research sponsored by the tobacco industry has raised concerns regarding the economic impact of smoke-free laws, scientific evidence indicates that clean indoor air laws are low-cost, safe, and effective.