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COTPA Guidelines for Law Enforcers
Author: Government of India
This publication provides information for India law enforcement officials responsible for the enforcement of the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act. Tobacco Control Implementation and Enforcement Factsheet
Author: The Union (2022)
The Union’s Tobacco Control Department produced a new factsheet on Implementation and Enforcement and offers a deep dive into the topic, summarizing evidence, defining key terms, and providing practical guidance and evidence-based recommendations.
Examples of Tobacco Control Law Educational Ads in Bangladesh
Author: Vital Strategies
Two examples of educational campaign ads that ran in Bangladesh to inform the public of existing laws prohibiting smoking in public places, tobacco advertisements, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS) and sale of tobacco to and by minors.
Decriminalizing Commercial Tobacco: Addressing Systemic Racism in the Enforcement of Commercial Tobacco Control
Author: US Public Health Consortium
A joint statement from a consortium of US public health organizations setting forth principles to help health departments, decisionmakers, advocates, and other stakeholders advance equitable enforcement practices related to the purchase, possession, sale, and distribution of all tobacco products.
Global Health Advocacy Incubator
Author: Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
The Global Health Advocacy Incubator by Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids provides strategic support to advocates planning and executing high impact campaigns to enact and implement laws that save lives.
Implementation of tobacco control law by police personnel in India
Author: Ahuja et al. (2018)
Implementation of tobacco control law by police personnel in India. This study aimed to assess knowledge and attitudes.
Curbing the Epidemic: governments and the economics of tobacco control, 1999
Author: World Bank
This report analyzes how economic fear influences policymakers when contemplating tobacco control efforts. It also demonstrates the economic benefits of tobacco control policies and the responsibility of governments to reduce potential costs of tobacco control efforts.
Case Study: Effective Translation of the Framework Convention in Mexico
Author: Thrasher et al. (2008)
This case study describes the impact of the sociocultural and political-economic context of Mexico on WHO-FCTC policy uptake. It examines advancing tobacco control policy through strategic, contextually-specific communication efforts and uses smokefree policy to illustrate barriers to compliance in the Mexican context.
WHO FCTC Tobacco Control Glossary 2015 Edition
Author: World Health Organization
This WHO FCTC glossary defines terms used in the FCTC and its instruments. It can be used for educational purposes and to aid a better understanding of the FCTC.
WHO FCTC Implementation Guidelines
Author: World Health Organization
This publication contains the guidelines adopted by the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) at its second (2007), third (2008), fourth (2010) and fifth (2012) sessions.
Enforcement of and compliance with tobacco control legislation: A guide for the AFRO region
Author: World Health Organization
This guide from the WHO Regional Office for Africa provides useful tools for all those involved in promoting enforcement of, and compliance with, tobacco control legislation.