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Author: Vital Strategies
Watch this webinar in which city leaders share their experiences implementing smoke-free laws, bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS) at points of sale, and tobacco vendor licensing policies. Speakers share examples from their work to implement policies for tobacco smoke-free cities, along with the successes, challenges and lessons learned.
Author: The Union
Watch this webinar to hear cities share their experiences implementing smokefree laws, bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS) at points-of-sale and tobacco vendor licensing policies. Hear real world examples of building a tobacco-smokefree city, their successes, challenges and lessons learned. Ask the speakers questions to learn more and identify strategies to accelerate progress in improving compliance through your future implementation efforts.
Point-of-Sale Tobacco Advertising and Promotions, and Tobacco Product Display in Siliguri, India
Author: Johns Hopkins University
From November-December 2020, this study examined the compliance of tobacco vendors with the tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS) law, and the presence of tobacco product display and warning signage at the POS in Siliguri.
Point-of-Sale Tobacco Advertising and Promotions, and Tobacco Product Display in Ranchi City, India
Author: Johns Hopkins University
From November-December 2020, this study examined the compliance of tobacco vendors with the tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS) law, and the presence of tobacco product display and warning signage at the POS in Ranchi.
Best practices on implementation of the tobacco advertising and display ban at point of sale (Article 13 of the WHO FCTC): a four-country case study
Author: WHO (2015)
This report reviews the relevant legislation related to the POS advertising and display bans and examines experience with enforcement and monitoring in four countries: Ireland, Norway, Finland and the UK.
Advanced country practices in the implementation of WHO FCTC Article 13 and its guidelines
Author: WHO (2018)
Advanced practices and lessons learned from Parties in the implementation of Article 13, with a focus on combatting cross-border advertising and the depiction of tobacco in entertainment media.
Global Tobacco Control: Learning from the Experts online course
Author: Johns Hopkins University
This course offers free instructional training to people interested in learning more about tobacco control.
Global progress in tobacco control: the question of policy compliance
Author: Anderson et al. (2020)
This study aims to describe and compare global trends in legislation and compliance of smokefree and TAPS policies between 2009 and 2019.
WHO Compliance Data for smokefree and TAPS
Author: World Health Organization
Country-level compliance data that accompanies the WHO's annual report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic.
CounterTobacco.Org Resource Centre for Point-of-Sale
Author: Counter Tobacco
This site is dedicated to countering tobacco at the point-of-sale and offers evidence-based descriptions of the problem, policy solutions, advocacy materials and news updates.
WHO Key Elements of Tobacco Control Legislation
Author: World Health Organization
The World Health Organizations Tobacco Free Initiative (TFI) list of key elements of legislation for tobacco control.
Tobacco Control Laws
Author: Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
Search and download factsheets and summaries of tobacco control legislation and regulations from around the world. Search by country, region, keyword, tobacco control measure, or type of legal action.
Compliance with Smoke-free Public Places, East and South Districts of Karachi, Pakistan, 2019
Author: Johns Hopkins University
This study from Karachi, Pakistan, assessed compliance with smokefree in different settings from October to November 2019.
Compliance with Tobacco Product Display and Point-of-Sale TAPS, Depok, Indonesia 2019
Author: Johns Hopkins University
This study from Depok City, Indonesia, assessed compliance with the tobacco product display and point-of-sale advertising and promotion ban in different retail settings from February to March 2019.
Assessing Compliance with TAPS Bans
Author: Various
A “How-to” Guide for Observing the Internet, Sponsored Events, and Corporate Social Responsibility.
Review of Compliance Strategies for Enforcing SF policy
Author: Wynne et al. (2018)
Comprehensive literature review to provide evidence for effective enforcement strategies and suggest measures to improve policy compliance.
Retailer licensing and tobacco display compliance, Australia
Author: Fry et al. (2016)
This study aims to assess vendor licensing compliance and scheme to explore variations in compliance among different retailer types and locations.
Compliance Evaluation of San Francisco's Flavoured Tobacco Sales Prohibition
Author: Vyas et al. (2021)
This research assesses compliance with San Francisco's 2018 flavored tobacco sales ban and concludes that retailer education prior to enforcement will result in higher compliance rates.
Evaluation of Compliance to Gutka Ban & Other Provisions of COTPA India
Author: Pimple et al. (2014)
This article uses a random sampling process to evaluate compliance with the COPTA legislation in India.
WHO FCTC Implementation Guidelines
Author: World Health Organization
This publication contains the guidelines adopted by the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) at its second (2007), third (2008), fourth (2010) and fifth (2012) sessions.