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Restricting Digital Marketing
Author: World Health Organization
This publication describes ways in which Member States can translate marketing restrictions in the context of tobacco and other products that create health risk, into the digital environment. It provides an overview of available policy options, best-practices for digital monitoring, and a guide to policy enforcement in the digital environment. Information about enforcement can be found in Section 8. WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2023: protect people from tobacco smoke
Author: World Health Organization
The ninth WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic tracks the progress made by countries in tobacco control since 2008 and, marks 15 years since the introduction of the MPOWER technical package which is designed to help countries implement the demand-reduction measures of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic 2021: addressing new and emerging products
Author: WHO (2021)
The eighth WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic tracks the progress made by countries in tobacco control since 2008 including data on electronic nicotine delivery systems, such as ‘e-cigarettes’.
Advanced country practices in the implementation of WHO FCTC Article 13 and its guidelines
Author: WHO (2018)
Advanced practices and lessons learned from Parties in the implementation of Article 13, with a focus on combatting cross-border advertising and the depiction of tobacco in entertainment media.
Global progress in tobacco control: the question of policy compliance
Author: Anderson et al. (2020)
This study aims to describe and compare global trends in legislation and compliance of smokefree and TAPS policies between 2009 and 2019.
WHO Compliance Data for smokefree and TAPS
Author: World Health Organization
Country-level compliance data that accompanies the WHO's annual report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic.
WHO Tobacco product regulation: building laboratory testing capacity
Author: World Health Organization (2018)
The new tobacco laboratory guide is a useful resource for countries, and provides regulators and policymakers with comprehensible information on how to test tobacco products, what products to test, and how to use testing data in a meaningful way to support regulation.
WHO Tobacco Product Regulation: Basic Handbook
Author: World Health Organization (2018)
The “Tobacco product regulation: basic handbook” provides a basic reference document for non-scientist regulators in any country and serves as a tool for health authorities and other interested parties seeking resources and planning on how to monitor, evaluate, and regulate tobacco products. Further, the handbook includes relevant country case studies detailing specific approaches enacted globally.
Case Study: Regulatory approaches to tobacco products, menthol in tobacco products
Author: World Health Organization (2018)
This set of case study, focusing specifically on regulations of menthol in tobacco products, provide practical guidance to countries by describing effective regulatory strategies in tobacco product regulation, including lessons learned and challenges encountered in developing and implementing menthol related regulation.
WHO Key Elements of Tobacco Control Legislation
Author: World Health Organization
The World Health Organizations Tobacco Free Initiative (TFI) list of key elements of legislation for tobacco control.
Author: World Health Organization
This report, WHO’s seventh in the series, provides a country-level examination of the global tobacco epidemic and identifies countries that have applied selected measures for reducing tobacco use. This report focuses on supporting tobacco users to increase cessation success.
Stakeholder Mapping Tool
Author: World Health Organization
This online tool was developed by WHO to support stakeholder mapping in Family Planning but can be adapted for use in tobacco control.
Evaluation of Smoking-related Deaths Averted Due to Three Years of Policy Progress, 2013
Author: Levy et al. (2013)
This study aims to determine the number of smoking-attributable deaths were averted due to the implementation of MPOWER policies.
Review of Compliance Strategies for Enforcing SF policy
Author: Wynne et al. (2018)
Comprehensive literature review to provide evidence for effective enforcement strategies and suggest measures to improve policy compliance.
Seven years of progress in tobacco control: an evaluation of the effect of nations meeting the highest level MPOWER measures between 2007 and 2014
Author: Levy et al. (2018)
This study aims to evaluated the global progress of the six MPOWER measures and their impact across 88 countries that have adopted one or more measure from 2007 to 2014.
Outcomes for Implementation Research: Conceptual Distinctions, Measurement Challenges, and Research Agenda
Author: Proctor et al. (2010)
This paper proposes a general working taxonomic of eight implementation elements to measure implementation outcomes, advance implementation processes, and improve effectiveness of implementation strategies.
Evidence on the Effect of POS Display Bans on Smoking Prevalence
Author: He et al. (2018)
This study evaluates the effect of point-of-sale display bans globally as of 2016.
WHO: Making Cities Smokefree, 2011
Author: World Health Organization
This WHO publication offers practical guidance to assist staff and city officials prepare for and implement smokefree legislation.
Implementing smoke-free policies in low- and middle-income countries: A brief review and research agenda
Author: Byron et al. (2019)
A review and research agenda on the challenges of implementing smokefree policies in low- and middle-income countries, identifying five areas where progress is urgently needed.
WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2013
Author: World Health Organization
This report, WHO’s fourth in the series, provides a country-level examination of the global tobacco epidemic and identifies countries that have applied selected measures for reducing tobacco use. This report focuses on Enforcing bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship.
Examples of Smokefree Implementation Protocols
Author: Various
Examples of smokefree protocols to support the implementation of smokefree policies.
WHO 2008 Tobacco Industry Interference with Tobacco Control
Author: World Health Organization
This document aims to provide background and contextual information on tobacco industry interference practices and how Contracting Parties to the WHO FCTC can monitor industry interference efforts and better implement FCTC Article 5.3 guidelines.
Vector of the Tobacco Epidemic Tobacco Industry Practices in LMICs
Author: Lee et al. (2012)
This article reviews published research on tobacco industry activities that interfere with tobacco control policies and encourage tobacco use in LMICs to more thoroughly understand industry practices and strategies in LMICs.
Policy Dystopia Model Interpretive Analysis of TI Political Activity
Author: Ulucaniar et al. (2016)
This article outlines a model that provides an evidence-based summary of corporate political strategies used by the tobacco industry. The model enables public health practitioners to anticipate these strategies and develop realistic assessments of the industry’s claims.
Exposing and Addressing Tobacco Industry Conduct in LMICs
Author: Gilmore et al. (2015)
This article explores the tobacco industry's practices in low and middle-income countries (LMICs), given the industry's growing interest, investment, and interference in these regions. It focuses on how exposing the industry's misconduct is necessary for both the implementation of the WHO FCTC and more 'endgame' solutions to the tobacco epidemic.
Case Study: PMI Involvement in Smoking Cessation
Author: McDaniel et al. (2017)
This article is a case study ion Philip Morris' involvement in the cessation arena and an evaluation of how and why PM supports cessation programs. It illustrates a notable example of industry interference that undermines effective tobacco control.