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Webinar - Tobacco Control Law Implementation: How Cambodia Successfully Implemented Its Smoke-Free Law
Author: Vital Strategies
Watch this webinar, featuring high-level members of Cambodia's government, to learn more about how the country successfully implemented its smoke-free law. Speakers share examples from their work to implement policies for tobacco smoke-free cities, along with the successes, challenges and lessons learned.
Author: Vital Strategies
Watch this webinar in which city leaders share their experiences implementing smoke-free laws, bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS) at points of sale, and tobacco vendor licensing policies. Speakers share examples from their work to implement policies for tobacco smoke-free cities, along with the successes, challenges and lessons learned.
Smokefree implementation in Colombia: Monitoring, outside funding, and business support
Author: Uang et al (2017)
Assessment of the national smokfree policy implementation in Colombia.
Evaluating the impact and equity of a tobacco-free pharmacy law on retailer density in New York City neighbourhoods
Author: Giovenco et al. (2018)
This study models the reduction in tobacco retailer density following the ban to examine differences in the policy’s impact across neighbourhoods.
FDA Compliance and Enforcement Report
Author: Food and Drug Administration (US)
Report on the last five years of the FDA Center for Tobacco Products Office compliance and enforcement activities.
Retailer licensing and tobacco display compliance, Australia
Author: Fry et al. (2016)
This study aims to assess vendor licensing compliance and scheme to explore variations in compliance among different retailer types and locations.
Perceived Enforcement of Smokefree in Brazil
Author: Mendes et al. (2017)
The aim of this study is to evaluate the perceived enforcement of anti-smoking legislation on 4 Brazilian cities.
Evaluation of the Impact of Smokefree Law, New Zealand
Author: New Zealand MoH
The aim of this evaluation is to identify outcomes related to the 2003 Smokefree Environments Amendment Act and assess how closely goals were met.
Indicators to Measure Success of Smoke-free Policies
Author: Niskar et al. (2008)
This article assess indictors of smokefree policy implementation in the Unites States, New Zealand, and Israel to demonstrate successful compliance of smokefree policies.
Evaluation of Enforcement Barriers in Minnesota Youth, 2002
Author: The Tobacco Law Project
This report evaluates the enforcement practices, and barriers of the Commercial Youth Access Enforcement efforts in Minnesota, USA, providing recommendation for future enforcement efforts.
Compliance Evaluation of San Francisco's Flavoured Tobacco Sales Prohibition
Author: Vyas et al. (2021)
This research assesses compliance with San Francisco's 2018 flavored tobacco sales ban and concludes that retailer education prior to enforcement will result in higher compliance rates.
China Subnational Smokefree Law Predictors
Author: Lin et al. (2019)
This study analyzes the predictors of adopting subnational smokefree laws since China ratified the WHO FCTC in 2005 and assess their alignment with article 8.
CDC Indicators for Eliminating Exposure to Secondhand Smoke, 2017
Author: US CDC
This report is the third in the CDC's publications on Evaluating Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs and provides an evaluation logic model and set out outcome indicators that address eliminating exposure to secondhand smoke.
The Economic Impact of Clean Indoor Air Laws
Author: Eriksen & Chaloupka (2007)
This article reviews and analyses the diffusion of clean indoor air laws and the economic and public health impacts of their implementation. While research sponsored by the tobacco industry has raised concerns regarding the economic impact of smoke-free laws, scientific evidence indicates that clean indoor air laws are low-cost, safe, and effective.