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Tobacco retail licensing systems in Europe
Author: Kuipers et al. (2021)
This paper aims to stimulate a discussion on the potential for tobacco retail licencing in Europe and examines the cases of Finland, Hungary, France, Italy and Spain.
Evaluating the impact and equity of a tobacco-free pharmacy law on retailer density in New York City neighbourhoods
Author: Giovenco et al. (2018)
This study models the reduction in tobacco retailer density following the ban to examine differences in the policy’s impact across neighbourhoods.
British Columbia 100% Smokefree: Successful Campaign Despite Industry Opposition
Author: Drope & Glantz (2003)
This article describes how the British Columbia Capital Regional District systematically organized an educational campaign, enacted and enforced a series of bylaws, exposed industry interference to successfully pass and implement a 100% smokefree bylaw in all public places.
Case Study: Effective Translation of the Framework Convention in Mexico
Author: Thrasher et al. (2008)
This case study describes the impact of the sociocultural and political-economic context of Mexico on WHO-FCTC policy uptake. It examines advancing tobacco control policy through strategic, contextually-specific communication efforts and uses smokefree policy to illustrate barriers to compliance in the Mexican context.
Assessment of EU Member State National Characteristics and Their Association with Smoking Prevalence
Author: Bogdanovica et al. (2011)
This study aims to assess public sector corruption and other national characteristics and it's potential association with higher smoking prevalence in EU member states.
POS Tobacco Advertising and Display Bans in 5 Russian Cities
Author: Kennedy et al. (2017)
This study aims to evaluate the implementation of national TAPS law in kiosks across five Russian cities.
Perceived Enforcement of Smokefree in Brazil
Author: Mendes et al. (2017)
The aim of this study is to evaluate the perceived enforcement of anti-smoking legislation on 4 Brazilian cities.
Indicators to Measure Success of Smoke-free Policies
Author: Niskar et al. (2008)
This article assess indictors of smokefree policy implementation in the Unites States, New Zealand, and Israel to demonstrate successful compliance of smokefree policies.
Compliance Evaluation of San Francisco's Flavoured Tobacco Sales Prohibition
Author: Vyas et al. (2021)
This research assesses compliance with San Francisco's 2018 flavored tobacco sales ban and concludes that retailer education prior to enforcement will result in higher compliance rates.
Explaining Mechanisms that Influence Smoke-free Implementation at the Local Level
Author: Mlinarić et al. (2019)
Study that analyzes existing smokefree evidence and translates it into recommendations to improve smokefree implementation in outdoor venues.
Tobacco Industry Youth Smoking Prevention Programs: Protecting the Industry and Hurting Tobacco Control
Author: Landman et al. (2002)
This article analyzes tobacco industry documents to determine why industry-sponsored youth smoking prevention programs were developed, how they were used to fight tobacco control policy and programming, and their lack of effect on youth smoking prevalence.
The ‘‘We Card’’ Program: Tobacco Industry ‘‘Youth Smoking Prevention’’ as Industry Self-Preservation
Author: Apollonio et al. (2008)
This article analyzes the tobacco industry self-regulation "We Card" program. It exposes "We Card" as ineffective and structured to improve the industry's public image and limit tobacco control policies and their enforcement.
The Economic Impact of Clean Indoor Air Laws
Author: Eriksen & Chaloupka (2007)
This article reviews and analyses the diffusion of clean indoor air laws and the economic and public health impacts of their implementation. While research sponsored by the tobacco industry has raised concerns regarding the economic impact of smoke-free laws, scientific evidence indicates that clean indoor air laws are low-cost, safe, and effective.