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Compliance with Smoke-Free Laws in Karachi, Pakistan South District: 2019 vs. 2022
Author: Johns Hopkins University (2022)
This assessment aimed to assess compliance of a ban on smoking in public spaces that requires the display of no-smoking signage in the South district of Karachi at two different time points: in 2019 and 2022, before and after the smoke-free enforcement activities.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Laws in Karachi, Pakistan East and South districts: 2019 vs 2022
Author: Johns Hopkins University (2022)
The project aimed to assess compliance with the "Prohibition of Smoking and Protection of Non-smokers Health Ordinance 2021” in East and South District of Karachi at two different time points: in 2019 and 2022, before and after the smoke-free enforcement activities.
Compliance with Smoke-Free Laws in Karachi, Pakistan East District: 2019 vs 2022
Author: Johns Hopkins University (2022)
This assessment aimed to assess compliance with smoke-free laws in the East district of Karachi at two different time points: in 2019 and 2022, before and after the smoke-free enforcement activities.
Smokefree implementation in Colombia: Monitoring, outside funding, and business support
Author: Uang et al (2017)
Assessment of the national smokfree policy implementation in Colombia.
Case Study - São Paulo Breathes Better: Adoption of Smoke-Free Indoor Environments
Author: Pan American Health Organization (2010 & 2019)
This two part case study presents the initial implementation process of tobacco-free environments in São Paulo, Brazil after The São Paulo Anti Tobacco Law was passed in 2009, and it's continued implementation 10 years later. Documents available in Portuguese.
Compliance with smoke-free policies at indoor and outdoor public places: an observational study in Pakistan
Author: Ahsan et al. (2022)
Study investigating smoke-free compliance across public places in Karachi, the most populous city in Pakistan.
Dhuann Smokefree Ad Campaign
Author: Vital Strategies
Smokefree ad from India depicting the dangers of secondhand smoke and sharing information on the smoking ban in public places. Adaptions from Turkey and Bangladesh and the press release materials from each ad.
Compliance with Smoke-free Public Service Vehicles, East and South Districts of Karachi, Pakistan, 2019
Author: Johns Hopkins University
The objective of this study was to assess smoke-free compliance in public service vehicles in Karachi.
Examples of Information Materials for Businesses
Author: Various
Collection of example flyers and leaflets from tobacco control initiatives around the globe for different venues types, including restaurants, sports clubs, government buildings, tobacco retailers and more.
British Columbia 100% Smokefree: Successful Campaign Despite Industry Opposition
Author: Drope & Glantz (2003)
This article describes how the British Columbia Capital Regional District systematically organized an educational campaign, enacted and enforced a series of bylaws, exposed industry interference to successfully pass and implement a 100% smokefree bylaw in all public places.
Case Study: Effective Translation of the Framework Convention in Mexico
Author: Thrasher et al. (2008)
This case study describes the impact of the sociocultural and political-economic context of Mexico on WHO-FCTC policy uptake. It examines advancing tobacco control policy through strategic, contextually-specific communication efforts and uses smokefree policy to illustrate barriers to compliance in the Mexican context.
Perceived Enforcement of Smokefree in Brazil
Author: Mendes et al. (2017)
The aim of this study is to evaluate the perceived enforcement of anti-smoking legislation on 4 Brazilian cities.
Indicators to Measure Success of Smoke-free Policies
Author: Niskar et al. (2008)
This article assess indictors of smokefree policy implementation in the Unites States, New Zealand, and Israel to demonstrate successful compliance of smokefree policies.
CDC Indicators for Eliminating Exposure to Secondhand Smoke, 2017
Author: US CDC
This report is the third in the CDC's publications on Evaluating Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs and provides an evaluation logic model and set out outcome indicators that address eliminating exposure to secondhand smoke.
Evidence to guide action comprehensive tobacco control in Ontario 2016
Author: Public Health Ontario
An example of a research synthesis to inform tobacco control policy and strategy. This report from Ontario, Canada, provides a comprehensive assessment of the tobacco control interventions that would have the greatest impact on reducing tobacco use and its associated burden in Ontario.
The Economic Impact of Clean Indoor Air Laws
Author: Eriksen & Chaloupka (2007)
This article reviews and analyses the diffusion of clean indoor air laws and the economic and public health impacts of their implementation. While research sponsored by the tobacco industry has raised concerns regarding the economic impact of smoke-free laws, scientific evidence indicates that clean indoor air laws are low-cost, safe, and effective.
Examples of Tobacco Control Strategic Plans
Author: Various
Examples of tobacco control strategic plans to provide guidance for creating comprehensive implementation and enforcement agendas, yearly plans and public health goal setting.