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Resources category: Fact Sheets and Data

Compliance with Smoke-Free Laws in Karachi, Pakistan East and South districts: 2019 vs 2022

Authored by Johns Hopkins University (2022)

The project aimed to assess compliance with the "Prohibition of Smoking and Protection of Non-smokers Health Ordinance 2021” in East and South District of Karachi at two different time points: in 2019 and 2022, before and after the smoke-free enforcement activities.

Tobacco Control Laws

Authored by Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

Search and download factsheets and summaries of tobacco control legislation and regulations from around the world. Search by country, region, keyword, tobacco control measure, or type of legal action.

UCSF Truth Tobacco Industry Documents Database

Authored by University of California San Francisco

The University of California San Francisco database contains over 14 million archived documents on tobacco industry activities, including advertising, manufacturing, marketing, scientific research, and political activities. In particular, the database provides access to internal industry documents made public during United States v. Philip Morris USA Inc., et al. and other litigation cases.

Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance - Tobacco Control Industry Watch

Authored by SEATCA

Tobacco Control Industry Watch provides facts and figures, publications, and media updates for the South East Asian Tobacco Control Alliance (SEATCA). With a focus on Articles 5.3 and 13, guidelines, toolkits, and in-country statuses are also available to further the effective implementation of the WHO FCTC in ASEAN countries. 

Stopping Tobacco Organizations and Products - A Global Tobacco Industry Watchdog

Authored by STOP

Stopping Tobacco Organizations and Products (STOP) works to understand and expose the tobacco industry’s efforts to derail tobacco control and hook a new generation of users. STOP's Resources Archive arms and supports stakeholders with tools and resources to counter the industry, including the latest analyses, reports, and information on the industry’s tactics. 

Observatory on Strategies of the Tobacco Industry in Brazil

Authored by The Observatory

This website offers detailed information and data on the tactics used by the tobacco industry in Brazil, the legislative measures Brazil is adopting to meet FCTC and WHO directives, and the people and organizations involved with the tobacco industry that lobby against tobacco control measures in Brazil. The website is available in English, Portuguese, and Spanish.